2 hours

Jaffa Culinary tour

The most special food at Tel Aviv's coolest neighborhood


  • Try Malabi – a wonderful middle eastern mild pudding.
  • Tour the trendy flea market of Jaffa.
  • Eat Burekas – a Turkish savory pastry filled with cheese, potatoes or vegetables.
  • Try hummus at was is called the number one spot of Tel Aviv-Jaffa.
"Lunch stop at a fantastic hummus place, knafeh place, tea place, and so on. Those insider spots were a bonus treat to an already wonderful day."
AhilyaK / Tripadvisor

The flea market of Jaffa has went through a big change in the last years – from a slum to a trendy spot, some would say too gentrified recently. This tour would tell the story of the market and it's best spots, finding local eateries that are a must and a few surprises on the go.

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